SIXTIES STUDENTS Simon Fraser (6): The PSA Strike
On July 3 1969, the faculty in the Political Science, Sociology and Anthropology (PSA) department voted to affirm its system of student-faculty parity in decision-making. Four days later, PSA was placed under trusteeship, and proceedings were begun to fire the majority of the PSA professors. A siix-week strike in Fall 1969 won strong student support, but equally strong faculty opposition. The strike was defeated, and the professors were fired.
SIXTIES STUDENTS Simon Fraser (3): The Board Walk-In
On March 1 1968, a delegation of students elected earlier that day at a general student body meeting ‘walked in’ to a closed Board meeting. They presented two briefs and a petition that all future Board meetings be open. Most of the students did not trust that fair decisions would be made behind closed doors. Many were worried that purges of faculty who were left-wing, or just different, were underway.